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GPS for Next Normal

Web3-based, Purpose-driven, Multi-stakeholder and Multi-disciplinary Ecosystem platforms as catalysts to mentor minds & orchestrate initiatives to evolve for the next normal


Evolving holistically beyond individual or organisational resources, capabilities and reach to be resilient & game changer

The pandemic made us realise the limitations of ownership of physical resources, power, privileges, influence, reach, capabilities, and achievements in handling unforeseen multi-dimensional challenges.

Further, the inner and collective potential remains underutilised because of the Halo effect (which affects comprehensive and objective assessment) and sensitivity (to pressures, influences, or opinions of people with the same likes but without concern or contextual understanding). Even applause for success or sympathy for vulnerabilities makes a person complacent or dependent.

According to Michael Porter, capital and skills move wherever they find a better return. Technology and market niches can be copied, but the collective strengths of family, organisational, or ecosystem culture cannot be replicated.

During India's presidency, the G20 set the mission of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future'. With Self-motivation, Personalised Understanding, Responsibility (for consequences of choices) & collective Commitment, we can widen the impact from Self ->Family or Organisation -> Ecosystem by leveraging the following:

 1) Expanded a) Consciousness (of calmness under meditation), b) Creative intuition (of balancing right & left brain), c) Relaxation (in nature), d) Happiness (of playful mind, fit body & mutual love with no fears or attachments), e) Motivation, Confidence, Balance, Effectiveness & Proactive preparedness (with no waste of time, energy & capabilities on mindless tasks or distractions) 

2) Detached Observation, Personalised Contextual Understanding & timely direction to a) calm the aggressive, b) tap the leader's potential, c) empower the weak, d) uplift the depressed, e) encourage healthy habits & f) counsel the vulnerable.

3) Meaningful conversations that leverage a) spiritual inspiration to orient for a larger long-term purpose, b) positive human vibrations (for WE mindset), c) Actionable insights & expertise (for holistic, accelerated learning), d) Artificial Intelligence (for unbiased, authentic, and comprehensive understanding), and e) other scalable business models and technologies (for engagement in multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary ecosystems).

Value Proposition

Family-like Ecosystem Platform to co-create Cohesive, Holistic Human, Social and Economic Impact

We propose a family-like Web3 based Ecosystem Platform to enable a) Shared values (for a WE mindset), b) Inspiring thought leadership (for direction), c) Mentoring (for contextual understanding and timely nudge), and d) Synthesis (of fragmented & interdependent initiatives of following ecosystems) to co-create Cohesive and Holistic Human, Social, and Economic impact.

1) Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Environmental well-being, Ecosystems through natural relaxation, physical fitness, and mental health for Happy and Healthy Living, Evolution, and Ageing. READ...

2) Life, Academic, Experiential, and Complementary Learning ecosystems for motivating Lifelong and Holistic Capability development to remain Agile and Relevant in changing times & effectively handle Multi-dimensional challenges. READ...

3) Entrepreneurial, Professional, Technology, Research and Impact Investment ecosystems for Agile Innovation and Balanced Consistent Evolution to sense and meet Personalised and Systemic needs for Scalable Human, Social, and Economic Impact. READ...

4) Art, Media, Content Creators, AI and Influencers' ecosystems for tapping Creative Potential, shaping Transformative Narrative and encouraging motivating activities for Broader, Deeper & Positive Cultural Impact. READ...


Web3-based Ecosystem Platform to tap Inspiring Thought Leadership, Holistic Mentoring and  Complementary Strengths for inclusive growth

  1. Inspiring Thought Leadership & Rejuvenation in Nature to Expand Consciousness & tap Inner Energy:

Inspiring spiritual & wellness institutions, authentic knowledge institutions, Professional associates, and Pragmatic practitioners will inspire, relax, reboot and rejuvenate to expand the consciousness of a calm, open & creative mind & tap into inner energy.

2. Personalised Holistic Mentoring to Evolve Minds, Initiatives, Organisations, and Ecosystems Consistently

Mentors will offer a) a personalised, detached, holistic, and contextual understanding of life journey, b) a Helicopter-like overview of emerging scenarios & available options, c) Encouragement for Self-care. Self-learning & Spontaneous initiatives, d) Integration of complementary strengths, e ) Methodologies  to evolve across all dimensions in a balanced way & f) Timely nudge before a path is chosen & before the mind becomes susceptible to the Halo effect of experiences & impressions

Krishna's mentoring of Arjuna on the battlefield of Mahabharat, an Indian epic, is a mentoring for the platform.

As a Mentor & Charioteer (Sarthi), Krishna offered a) detached observation (Krishna neither picked up weapons nor advised or coached on how to fight a war), b) contextual understanding (by being aligned for a lifetime & even on the battlefield), c) a transformative perspective (through the Bhagavad Gita), and d) timely direction to Arjuna. On the other hand, as a mentee, Arjuna was transparent about his dilemmas & receptive to a larger perspective even under crisis.

3. Web3 based Ecosystem Platform & Technology to tap Complementary strengths for Inclusive & Scalable impact

We have subscribed to the basic model of the Membership Platform (Kajabi) for interactions. Kajabi has an annual revenue of $6 billion & has served more than 75 million customers.

We will leverage Web3, Fintech, Blockchain, AI & Cognitive Computing, innovation models, interoperable systems, decentralised impact investment and collaboration technologies.

This platform (or platforms designed for others (like for Supply chain ecosystem)) will enable a) Autonomy for co-innovation, b) enhanced value, c) better experience, d) coherent evolving, e) scalable inclusive growth and f) Fair Value sharing through the following:

  • Person-to-Person (PtoP) matching for
    •  Need-Solution
    • Investment
  • Leveraging purpose-driven Virtual CxOs, Collaboration, Coaching, Counselling & Multi-disciplinary Consultancy for Complementary strengths, Upskilling, Multi-dimensional view, Regulatory Sandboxes &  synthesising of scattered insights & fragmented initiatives for enhanced resilience to systemic or interdependent risks & positive cohesive impact
  • Leveraging Community Engagement (closed or open) for Multi-stakeholder Consensus development, Motivation, Brainstorming, Balanced perspective, Cross-learning, Trust building and Co-branding
  • Tapping cross-sectoral tools & services for cost-effective transactions
Business Model, Governance, Investment, Market, Competition & Unique Value Proposition:

This platform will work as a catalyst.

Platform Management will take care of the platform's Management, Promotion (for co-branding), Technology support, upgradation, and Compliance. Each ecosystem's operational management will work as a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) managed by stakeholders. Only authentic, trusted & committed will work for the platform for long-term mutual benefit.

The above business model canvas describes partners, customer segments, value proposition, revenue, and platform costs. 

Revenue earned by the platform will be fully used for technology upgrades, operations and promotion.

Therefore, there will be no distributable surplus. We propose to mobilise seed and impact investments only. Unlike philanthropic investments (which assist the underprivileged) and business investments (which expect an exit at a higher value), this venture will earn and redeploy surplus to keep on enhancing the value and impact.

Professional impact measurement will assess the impact and commensurate value per investment unit over time to enable transfers between impact investors. Latest trends in impact investments will be tracked & discussed amongst investors to develop consensus.

 Market & Competition:

Ecosystems of all stakeholders are replacing current models for proactive consensus building, collective strengths, and resilience to disruptive changes. 

 Governments initiate ecosystem orchestration at the macro level.

The private sector focuses on core business and niche marketing. The need is for a platform that offers personalised mentoring & orchestrating of the entire ecosystem like a catalyst with detached contextual understanding & commitment.

 Unique Value Proposition

The founder has 14 years of experience anchoring discussions on emerging risks, opportunities, and multidimensional dynamics across all levels and verticals in conglomerates. After retiring from his corporate job, he did courses on Fintech (Harvard), ExO Model (OpenExO) & Purpose Mentoring. He offers entrepreneurial mentoring to startups.

 Therefore, the platform will offer a blend of 1) Innovation & Risk Management, 2) Entrepreneurship, and Professional governance.

The background of the founder & genesis of the initiative are stated at https://www.gpsfornextnormal.in/about

Minimum Viable Ecosystem & Roadmap

According to BCG Henderson Institute, the above options exist for evolving ecosystems.

We propose Interactions in the first phase, technology deployment & transactions in the second phase, and a sustainable and scalable model in the third phase.

Phase 1 -Minimum Viable Ecosystem

As the platform is PULL-driven, the Membership platform's inbuilt 'Interactions' functionality will enable 1) Community Engagement for brainstorming, 2) Innovation for solutions, 3) Collaborative Insights for Pragmatism 

For example, Naturopathy and Yoga Centers will encourage Wellness Tourism by sharing knowledge, practices, experiences, offers (and Q&A. Through alliances, they can empower associate professionals, homestay hosts, senior citizen homes, and communities for healthy and happy living and ageing. 

Mentors on the platform will evolve best mentoring practices for a personalised, detached contextual understanding of the mentee and pull and integrate the relevant solutions and inputs from relevant ecosystems.

Phase 2 -Technology deployment for transactions

We will use insights and ideas from interactions in Phase 1 to design the Ecosystem Platform, which will use Web3 technologies, interoperable systems, innovative models, and flexible, committed collaborations for inclusive, sustainable, and scalable growth of all.

A modular approach with stable interfaces and a fair value-sharing model will enable commitment & the evolution of technologies and capabilities commensurate with changing scenarios and needs.

Crowdfunded Philanthropic, Social, or Business Investments will converge. Specialised agencies will measure intangible impacts and outcomes for consideration of entity entrepreneurs & investors.

Phase 3- Sustainable & Scalable Model 

 We will work for a family-like Spiritual and Wellness Club, orchestrating all offers to enable diverse experiences and sharing for stress-free progress, anxiety-free life, and unity in diversity.

This will enable a Network effect for 1) Family-like bonding, 2) Value enhancement, and 3) Cost-effective scaling up.